Clip DescriptionThe combination of heavy metal and rubber really seems like an odd pairing on paper. In reality, metal is such an awesome raw material to utilize in the creation of any bondage device. I do not know what it is about this particular set of metal head and hand balls we had custom made for the rubber and bondage studio but they amplify my desire to do bad things to women. I don't know if it is about the dehumanizing nature it creates for the women trapped inside. Maybe it is just the overall *********** experience generated for the submissive women we pair the device with. It could be that I just like taking things away from women in as bizarre a manner as possible. In any case, miss k was the latest latex clad ****** to serve time locked inside these spheres. Once positioned properly, the balls were locked onto her head and hands. Chains were connected to each metal hand ball which ****** her arms up, out and wide. Another chain was affixed to the top of the head ball to support the weight of the metal.
since miss k was going to be busy coping with sensory overload and deprivation at the same time, we figured she did not need to be trying to keep her head from flopping over or off. There is also the issue of the one tiny hole in the front of the head ball that allows for limited air in an out. This would serve to further increase miss k's heart rate and potential for panic. The more distressed the submissive the better in my opinion. Once miss k was strung up and ready to be rocked, our guest controller "fk" stepped in while fully clad in rubber, head to toe. He used to be in a band I am told so he strummed some notes on miss k's clit with real expertise. He uses a vibrating magic wand while trying to get her pussy in tune. Eventually fk started playing tease and denial which is one of our all-time favorites. Near the grand finale of our head bangers ball, miss k is ****** to cum, rocked and rolled into the orgasm hall of fame. For those about to get their clit rocked, we salute you.
Clip Duration: 16 minutes |
Format | Size | mp4 | 384.68 MB |
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